help! I received this contract and i don’t know what any of it means….

Welcome to the Trust Pact where I’m sharing all the deets to help you legally protect your brand. I want you to make and KEEP these coins. There are lots of legal tools in place, and I’m here to help you understand them.

Recently, I’ve received so many questions and comments from content creators and influencers about contract terms. Folx are trying to figure out what different clauses mean, and what can be negotiated. It's clear that we all need a foundation of knowledge, especially for new influencers, so I’ve decided to turn these questions into a blog series.


I’m going to start by identifying a few key terms that show up in most influencer agreements. These terms affect how and when you get paid, how long your content can be used by a brand, and whether you can work with other brands during the period of collaboration!


The first set of terms that you should be aware of are payment terms. You may see words like Net 30, Net 60, or Net 90. This is how long a brand has before they run you your coins! Now imagine creating content, posting it.. And not getting paid for 90 days after! Always be sure to see if the clock starts counting when the agreement is signed, or after the content is delivered. 


You should also watch out for the payment processor the brand will be using. Some bigger brands will have their own systems that pay direct deposit; but if a brand is using something like Paypal then they should cover those fees!


The next set of terms that you should pay attention to are the usage rights. Now these sections of contracts can get pretty lengthy, but PLEASE don’t skim or skip through. This section of the contract determines who OWNS the created content once the collaboration is completed. It also determines how that party can use the content. Do you want a brand to be able to sell your content to a third party? Do you want to be able to post it on your own channels? Then you need to fully understand this clause. 


Lastly, I want to talk about exclusivity! Sometimes, brands don’t want you to work with competitors. It makes sense right? If you’re promoting two skincare lines, then the only thing your audience is doing is getting confused. This could affect the return of investment for the brand. So, brands slide in a clause for exclusivity to prevent confusion. This means that while under contract with them, you cannot work with specific brands – which means you better get enough coins cuz you've got to turn those other deals down!


I want to see you succeed in making and KEEPING these coins, so click here to purchase the Trusted Legal Starter Kit™ if you need more information like this.


Now, I want to hear from you. Send me an email about the most confusing brand agreement you’ve signed. What are some terms you’ve seen that are confusing? What are the burning questions you’ve had about brand deals and haven’t been able to ask???

Disclaimer: The information provided through the Trust Pact and social media are for informational purposes only. Nothing here should be taken as legal advice. Reading and/or engaging with this post does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do NOT comment or send me specific details about your legal situation via social media because I can’t guarantee confidentiality over those platforms. But, if you are ready to protect your business and brand, book a discovery call, and let’s get you together!


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