Nicole Goodman Johnson

I’m a serial entrepreneur and attorney who teaches course creators, influencers, content creators, service providers, and online coaches how to use traditional legal tools to in today’s digital world.  In other words, I help you protect your content from copycats, register your business, avoid costly mistakes, and how to better make and KEEP your coins.

Here’s a bit about me:

  • My pronouns are she, her, hers. Everyone is welcome here.

  • I’m Black….capital B. I recognize that systemic racism impacts how we do business and our access to key support, like legal services. And being part of a profession that historically excluded people who look like me, is one of the reasons I’m here, doing this work.

  • Throughout my childhood and early adult life, I experienced several stints of homelessness. Simply put, we were poor. My desire to provide affordable legal services stems from my experiences of living below and above the poverty line.

  • I spent a lot of time in school. I actually love to nerd out and learn all the things. I earned two degrees from Howard University. I attended law school at the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law.

  • I’m no stranger to hard work and sacrifice. Throughout undergrad, grad school, and law school, I worked full-time. So I’m not wasting your hard earned money with fluff.

  • I’m also an entrepreneur. Over the years, I’ve started several small businesses. Some have failed, most have been successful. When I tell you that I understand the time and effort you’ve put into your business, I mean it. I want to protect all that you’ve built.

  • As a side gig, I dibble and dabble in the social media influencer world. You can find me on Instagram at @cultured_montessorian. 

  • When I’m not working,  I homeschool my daughter, explore nature, and make never-ending to do lists for my partner.